Nov 22

UK Disability History Month: Nov 18th-Dec 18th


This year’s UK Disability History Month has just begun, starting on November 18th and drawing to a close on December 18th.

The annual event started in 2010 and focuses on the history of the struggle for equality and human rights for disabled people. Now in its 12th year, the joint themes for 2021 are disability and hidden impairments, and disability, sex and relationships.

The aim of the campaign is to achieve equality, challenge disablism by exploring oppression over time and celebrating the lives of disabled people, both now and in the past.

Some 80 per cent of the 14 million disabled people have hidden impairments and part of the problem here is that many of these people are simply not believed when it comes to their disability – which has a huge impact on their mental health.

As for the theme of disability, sex and relationships, the campaign organisers assert that, while there are now more confident generations of young people discovering the joy of diverse sex and relationships, low self-esteem that comes with a disempowering approach to disability can still lead to harm, including problems with consent and abuse.

This year’s campaign will focus on examples of good and bad practice in sex and relationships, and hidden impairment, adding these to the wealth of resources already compiled.

People are also now being encouraged to show support for the month-long campaign, telling others about it and why it’s important, writing letters to local newspapers on the topic of discrimination and hate crime, and finding local disabled people’s organisations to invite them to the workplace, school or college to talk about changes in their lives and how current developments in benefits will affect them.


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