Aug 29

Inquiry Launched Into Accessible Housing


A new inquiry entitled Disabled People in the Housing Sector has just been launched by the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee to see what government action can be taken in order to ensure that disabled people are able to find accessible and adaptable housing in England.

The review also plans to examine just how much progress has been made since the findings of the recent accessibility standards consultation were published in July last year.

Committee chair Clive Betts explained that there are now many disabled people living in properties that are neither accessible nor adapted, something that applies to those looking for social housing, who are looking to buy or who are looking in the private rental sector, all of whom are struggling to find suitable housing that meets their specific needs.

He went on to say: “We want to examine what government can do to ensure disabled residents have access to accessible and adaptable housing in England and how far the planning system is helping to deliver suitable homes.

“We’re also keen to explore the role of government, local councils and developers in delivering suitable housing for people with disabilities and what the government can do to support disabled tenants in the private rented sector in England.”

This comes after a recent study carried out by the Foundations Independent Living Trust found that adapted and accessible homes can deliver improvements in mobility and overall wellbeing, as well as other physical benefits, for both older and disabled people.

If properties are made more accessible, it can increase feelings of independence and self-respect, the research revealed, while ensuring that people are able to maintain a sense of purpose and identity.

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