How To Introduce The Idea Of Bath Lifts
If you’re helping an older family member or friend and are watching as they struggle with everyday tasks, it could well be time to get them to consider making modifications to their home to make life easier.
But it can be difficult to introduce some of these concepts to someone who may be wary of change and unsure of what it will mean for their wellbeing.
McKnight’s Long-Term Care News recently offered some advice on how to choose the right bath lift, which could prove useful if you need to suggest the idea yourself.
One of the biggest reasons people are reluctant to install this kind of device, according to the news provider, is fear of the unknown. However, these lifts have been in existence for many years and are well proven. A wide variety of models and styles are available, so it is important to speak with an experienced provider.
It’s essential to consider the needs of the person you’re installing it for and make sure that whatever device you choose is appropriate for them.
Explaining why a bath lift can help not only them, but their caregiver, can also be effective if they are unsure about the merits of the technology. It’s important that anyone helping them with tasks like bathing is able to do so safely without risking injury.
Other small changes you may want to make to a bathroom to improve its safety for someone with limited mobility include having good non-slip flooring in place and making sure that the bathroom door can be unlocked from both sides.