Winter Weather Warning For Elderly Brits
There’s been much talk of snow here in the UK over the last couple of days and while it may not have materialised properly just yet, it’s a safe bet to assume that it’s well on its way.
In fact, The Met Office has just launched this year’s Get Ready for Winter campaign to help make people more aware of the dangers that come with wintry weather… and it seems that an awareness campaign is just what we all need, given the fact that 23 per cent apparently do nothing at all to prepare for freezing temperatures.
“Severe winter weather can have a terrible impact on communities and wreak havoc on people’s day-to-day lives. That is why we’ve provided almost £300 million to areas that were badly affected last year,” Andrew Percy, communities minister, said.
The Met Office is now calling on people to check on elderly relatives on a regular basis to see how they’re doing now that it’s cold outside. While some 26 per cent of Brits do already do this, there does seem to be quite a bit of room for improvement in this regard.
According to Age UK statistics, one person dies needlessly every seven minutes each winter, so for your own peace of mind make sure that you do pay a visit to vulnerable friends and family this season so you know that everyone is doing ok.
Also check that they are maintaining their homes at the proper temperature – this should be about 21 degrees C in the main living room and then around 18 degrees C in the rest of the house.
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