Assisted Living
Apr 25

What Is Assisted Living?


Being able to live independently and stay in your home for as long as possible has a raft of associated benefits, including facilitating choice, ensuring a sense of control over your own life, enjoying familiar surroundings, boosting self-esteem and confidence… and lots more.

However, it’s important to prioritise health and safety at home as you get older, as the risks of physical injury will increase with age, as will the chances of experiencing memory problems. As such, it’s essential that you put measures in place to mitigate these risks and ensure that you can stay safe, while you continue to live at home.

To this end, assisted living may become an appropriate option in the future, allowing you to retain your valued independence while enjoying assistance with specific tasks, such as taking medication, washing, getting dressed or going to the bathroom.

Assisted living is also known as extra-care housing, where you live in your own home but with carers available to provide you with personal care and help. These services can be tailored to suit your specific requirements and can include the likes of meal provision, shopping and laundry, as well as personal care.

This kind of care provision can be delivered either in purpose-built accommodation so there’s extra support available onsite 24 hours a day for those who need it, or you can choose to stay in your own home instead.

In terms of costs, assisted living may be a more attractive option than moving into residential care because there will be fewer services provided. However, make sure you factor in that you’ll need to pay charges for care, as well as potentially paying for rent, utility bills and council tax.

If your care needs are lower, assisted living may well be the best option and you can carry out home adaptations that allow you to continue living in your own home for as long as you can.


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